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Support NAICJA

Support NAICJA and the important work we undertake on behalf of tribal justice systems and the people who serve their communities in this arena. These important activities could not occur without the support of donors and sponsors. 

Your support makes a difference!

NAICJA is a 501(c)(3) is a nonprofit organization. Your contribution is tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.
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Reasons to Support NAICJA

There are many reasons to support NAICJA. The following provides a list of some of the more important works that NAICJA undertakes. In order to provide these resources and services, NAICJA has, for over 40 years, kept its membership dues and conference registrations fees low, so that already overwhelmed tribal justice system budgets and resources are not overly burdened.  

NAICJA is Dedicated to Tribal Justice Systems and Judges.  No other organization is specifically dedicated to the issues and interests of Tribal Justice Systems and Tribal Court Judges on a national level.

NAICJA Develops Indian Policy Regarding Tribal Justice Systems. NAICJA is there when a Senator's office or an Administration official has an idea or needs advice about Tribal Justice Systems. Federal law and policy changes for Tribal Courts often flow through NAICJA and benefit from NAICJA comment.

NAICJA is an Information Resource. When an interested individual or member of the general public has questions about Tribal Courts, they often reach out to NAICJA. 

NAICJA is a Resource to Indian Country. Indian Country is fighting a public relations battle over the perception of Indian matters. NAICJA is there when questions about tribal justice systems arise.

NAICJA Testifies and Works with Congress to Advocate for Funding.  This funding benefits Tribal Courts in the annual Federal Budget, for example, the Tribal Law and Order Act, Indian Tribal Justice Act, the Indian Country Law Enforcement Initiative, the Indian Tribal Justice Technical and Legal assistance act of 2000 and more. Each year, NAICJA is there to provide funding recommendations and information in the form of testimony to Congressional Budget Committees.

NAICJA works to Pass Pro-Tribal Court Legislation. When the Indian Tribal Justice Act needed reauthorization, NAICJA was there to step in and do the heavy lifting needed to seek reauthorization of the Act for Indian Country. Other proposed legislation, now or in the future, will benefit from the participation of NAICJA.

NAICJA Operates Programs that Benefit Tribal Courts. The National Tribal Justice Resource Center, which has provided assistance to thousands of Tribes, Tribal Courts and Tribal Court Judges since 2000, is a NAICJA program. 

NAICJA Develops Important Resources for Tribal Justice Systems.  For example, court judges' bench books, court clerks manuals, a model evidence code, a model domestic violence code and more.   NAICJA implements projects which benefit Tribal Justice Systems and the people who work within them.

NAICJA Conducts an Annual Conference for the Benefit of its Members and Others in Tribal Justice. These conferences provide an opportunity not only to network among peers, but also to learn about major court decisions, legislation, promising practices and current issues that tribal justice systems need to be aware of.  This conference is not funded with federal funds in any way.  It is funded by registration fees and contributions in order to allow NAICJA to control and deliver content that is relevant to tribal justice practitioners.

If you would like to support NAICJA’s work with a tax-deductible donation by mail, you may send your check made payable to NAICJA to:

National American Indian Court Judges Association
1942 Broadway •  Suite 215 •  Boulder, CO  80302
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